This week I also visited the New Britain Museum of American Art, This museum was really nice and I must say this was one of my favorite museums I visited for this course. There was an art auction going on this day, so there were pretty wedding like table set up in each room. The atmosphere was very elegant. The museum was founded in 1903, and
it is the first museum in the country dedicated to American art. I took the
ride up from Bridgeport it was a nice ride, a little traffic and it took me
about 45 minutes. It looks like it was in a residential area, not too far from
a city park. I really enjoyed my visit up there.
The museum was really nice and the decor was admirable. I like the Otis Kaye Money, Mystery and Mastery room. It was filled with artwork with money displayed out of the ordinary.
<<<Heart of the Matter 1963
^^^ Fate Is the Dealer 1957
West Rock Branches 2012
Valerie Hegarty 1967
Made of wood, wire, epoxy, archival print on canvas, acrylic paint, gel mediums, sand, glue, hardware. This was my favorite pieces in the museum. Valerie's West Rock Branches was based on Frederic E, Church's West rock , New haven, 1849. Hegarty took the original painting and framed it in burnt and blackened canvas on what looks like to be roots. Hegarty work represent the destruction of the land that Frederic once painted as a beautiful landmark.
The Hegarty piece is remarkable for it's take on Church and Roamanticism and now in a post modern, environmental destruction mode of thought. Glad you enjoyed your visit....